20 Kids Meditation Exercises To Reduce Stress
May 4, 2021
Kids meditation helps reduce stress and improve sleep, and with this collection of guided meditation exercises, you can easily help your child practice kids meditation. When you do, you'll be part of a large and growing group of caring parents who are…
Kids Yoga Postures For Stress Relief
April 29, 2021
New studies show that Yoga offers big benefits in stress reduction for kids, especially in specific Yoga postures that we'll discuss here. The fact that Yoga helps children should be no surprise, for adults have been turning to it for years for benefits…
25 Reasons To Choose A Montessori Preschool
April 26, 2021
Most parents know that Montessori education is better, but few understand the key reasons to choose a Montessori preschool for their child. With so many options available for early childhood education available, what is it about Montessori education that…
The Benefits Of Online Preschool Learning
April 25, 2021
Online preschool learning is a valuable tool to help young children learn basic skills, develop social relationships, and prepare to enter the educational system. Many parents prefer starting their child's preschool education online because it costs less,…
At Home Montessori Activities
April 19, 2021
Here are 50 fun & easy at home Montessori activities to help your child learn new skills, build independence, and become more self-reliant. These activities are a wonderful way for parents to get started with Montessori learning, and a great tool for…
How To Be A Great Montessori Parent
April 13, 2021
The Montessori Method is a complete philosophy for early childhood education that embraces self-directed learning and exploration. As a Montessori parent, you can promote the principles of freedom and independence to help your child build confidence,…
The Prepared Environment & Montessori Learning Avenues
April 1, 2021
Dr. Maria Montessori’s vision for the ideal classroom was to create what is called a "prepared environment" for maximum success in learning, exploration & growth. Her model for the of prepared environment is a calm, ordered and highly-structured…
Phonics and Montessori Phonics Education
April 1, 2021
Phonics helps children learn to read by correlating sounds with letters in the alphabet or written syllables. It's important because the development of reading in children depends on an understanding that letters and letter patterns represent the sounds…
10 Benefits Of A Montessori Preschool
March 28, 2021
Over the last few years, the Montessori Method has risen to prominence in educational circles as being a highly effective tool for helping children master the basic skills required for long-term success. Although Dr. Maria Montessori developed this…
Mindfulness for Kids
March 26, 2021
Mindfulness is defined as "a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique." Think of it as a state of…